Introducing TIG’s N(W)HL19 eSeason

The NWHL meets NHL19 in a 20 game virtual season.

Over the weekend, Eleni played on the TIsobel Gup, an NHL19 recreation of the postponed Isobel Cup between the Boston Pride and the Minnesota Whitecaps.

We figured, why not play a whole season. So we are excited to introduce to you the N(W)HL19 eSeason!

Obviously a full NWHL season is a bit ambitious so Michelle put together an abbreviated schedule. Each of the five virtual teams will play eight games, a home and an away against the other four teams for a total of 20 games. We’ll record the results and have standings. At the end we’ll have the playoffs, done in the same manner as the NWHL does.

Eleni aiming for three games a week, thought that is subject to change. Every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. eastern you can watch her play a game on The Ice Garden’s Twitch Channel.

We’re still working out some the issues with Twitch streaming, so bear with us on that!

The Making of the NWHL on NHL19