The One-Stop Shop for 2023-24 NCAA, SDHL, and USports Statistics

NCAA, SDHL, and USports Stats can be hard to come by. Stop by Carlie's one stop shop for all that simplified into Google Sheets and more!

The One-Stop Shop for 2023-24 NCAA, SDHL, and USports Statistics
Gwyneth Philips (Photo featured @GONUwhockey on X/formerly Twitter). Blanka Škodová, center (Photo form AIK's website). Kendra Woodland, right (Photo via U SPORTS).

With the 2024 PWHL draft upon us, there is a lack of centralized player statistics from all the PWHL draft-eligible players. Elite Prospects (EP) fills some of that void, and each respective league has its own version of a stats page. However, EP does not offer statistics beyond the basics for free, and each league's site has its unique format that makes comparing players of analyzing performance difficult. Therefore, I've compiled the player statistics from the NCAA, SDHL, and USports (the leagues where the majority of draft-eligible players are from) into spreadsheets, separated by league. I hope these are useful on draft day for people to follow along on or useful to those who want to do their own analysis of the draft class.

I've computed per-game statistics for all skaters where applicable, labeled under the sheet called "Skaters - Per Game" or "All Skaters - Per Game". Each stat column is color-coded where red is good, blue is bad, and yellow is average. For example, 1.5 Pts/G would be a reddish color, 0.3 Pts/G would be yellow, and 0 would be blue. The rest of the sheets not labeled as being per-game rates are the raw statistics.

I've also included links to each Google sheet so people can download and play with filters if they're interested.

The NCAA's source for all of its statistics is To create this dataset, I pulled player statistics from each team page and broke out the goalies into their own separate sheet.

Link to sheet

All SDHL stats can be found on the official Swedish hockey statistics site. I created this spreadsheet in the same way as the NCAA sheet above.

Link to sheet

USports does not have a central statistics page that shows the statistics of all players in the league. I've instead compiled the player statistics from each conference's team page or the all-conference stats page (RSEQ, AUS, OUA, CANW). Each conference has its own skater and goalie tabs, and then there are three tabs for all skaters' per-game stats, all skaters' raw stats, and all goalie stats.

Link to sheet